Understanding the SBXG Library

SBXG heavily relies on its own library concept. It is a finite set of directories that conform to a well-specified file hierarchy. This file hierarchy is explained in the present document.

The following directory hierarchy exposes all the different directories recognized as being part of an SBXG library. Here, we assume the library is composed of a single directory, named sbxg/lib/:

├── toolchains/
├── configs/
├── sources/
├── bootscripts/
├── images/
└── boards/

The toolchains/ subdirectory

The toolchains/ directory contains YAML files, each one describing a toolchain:

└── toolchains
    └── *.yml

A toolchain file may contain the following paramters:

Name Description
url URL where to download the toolchain from
path Extracted (tar -xf) directory
prefix Cross-compilation prefix
arch Linux and U-Boot architecture code name
xen_arch Xen architecture code name
host Typically, the prefix without underscore

When cross-compiling, all these parameters should be mandatory. Note however that native compilation currently relies on the trick that some of these parameters may be not set or set to an empty string.

The configs/ subdirectory

The configs/ directory contains three subdirectories. Each of them contains Kconfig files that are used by Linux, U-Boot and Xen to configure their build:

└── configs
    ├── linux
    │   └── *
    ├── uboot
    │   └── *
    └── xen
        └── *

These files may or may not have an extension. By convention, their name should self-describe their purpose. For example, a Linux 4.14 configuration file that allows to compile minimal Xen guests (domus) may be named: linux-4.14-xen-domu-minimal.

The sources/ subdirectory

The sources/ directory contains four subdirectories. Each of them contains YAML files that describe how the various components (Linux, U-Boot, Xen and genimage) may be retrieved:

└── sources
    ├── genimage
    │   └── *.yml
    ├── linux
    │   └── *.yml
    ├── uboot
    │   └── *.yml
    └── xen
        └── *.yml

A source file must contain the following paramters:

Name Description
url URL where to download the component from
path Extracted (tar -xf) directory

The bootscripts/ subdirectory

The bootscripts/ directory contains Jinja2 template files that must program the U-Boot bootloader at boot-time. These files are associated with a templating context that is described in Templating Context. To learn more about bootscripts, please refer to U-Boot’s website.

└── bootscripts
    └── *

These files may or may not have an extension. By convention, their name should self-describe their purpose, and the extension is always .j2 (but this is not mandatory). For example a boot script allowing U-Boot to boot a sunxi board may be named: boot-sunxi-default.j2.

The images/ subdirectory

The images/ directory contains Jinja2 template files that describe how a disk image must be generated by genimage. These files are associated with a templating context that is described in Templating Context.

└── images
    └── *

These files may or may not have an extension. By convention, their name should self-describe their purpose, and the extension is always .j2 (but this is not mandatory). For example a genimage configuration describing a simple SDcard partitioning may be named: sdcard-simple.j2.

The boards/ subdirectory

The boards/ directory contains YAML files, each one describing a board:

└── boards
    └── *.yml

A board describes what low-level components should be compiled, and what binaries from these components should be used to generate a final disk image. This file may contain the following top-level entries:

Name Description
toolchain Name of the toolchain to be used.
genimage Name of the genimage source to be used
linux Name of the Linux kernel source to be used
linux_config Name of the Linux Kconfig to be used
linux_image Filename of the Linux executable (e.g. zImage)
linux_dtb Filename of the Linux DTB to be used
uboot Name of the U-Boot source to be used
uboot_config Name of the U-Boot Kconfig to be used
uboot_image Filename of the U-Boot executable
boot_script Name of the bootscript to be templated
disk_image Name of the genimage configuration to be templated
root In the Kernel bootargs, path to the rootfs block device
rootfs URL to the rootfs (.ext3) to be used in the image
linux_bootargs Additional Linux bootargs to be specified